Why Clients Choose Us
- Experience: Our staff has over 20 years experience supporting federal and DoD Government Facilities utilizing a motivated, qualified workforce for our past and current clients!
- Quality Assurance: Quality starts with a qualified, motivated work force. We manage our workforce to the task requirements and customer’s expectations.
- Technology: We use technology where it works. Our clients and employees love the ease of using our electronic timekeeping. CMS is a member of MyPaychex which gives company employee’s daily access to all corporate information including paystubs and other employee pertinent information.
- Recruiting: We have a long list of recruiting resources along with effective methods of attracting, screening, and retaining only the best employees that fit your needs.
Understanding the Mission
First and foremost, we support our troops and Federal clients… only the best will do! We attract and retain the best employees by offering world class benefits commensurate with experience!
We understand the costs and effects of re-training and task interruptions caused by unhappy employees. The benefits of retaining the experience contained in the incumbent workforce is high on our list of positives when deciding who to place in a position. Our company is efficient, hands-on and our clients and employees are understood, respected, and never lost in corporate bureaucracy.
We don’t just manage both on-site and off-site employees, we also prevent personnel issues before they become a problem! Our management team exercises a thorough recruitment, screening, and background process that weeds out all but the best candidates for your work environment. Through our extensive hiring and screening process, historically we eliminate 95% of personnel issues most contractors and Government POCs face.
About Us
The combined experience and knowledge of our team spans over 20 years. CMS has supported hundreds of individual Federal clients and thousands of successful projects utilizing workforces in excess of 500 employees. Since 2008, CMS has had large IDIQ contracts with the Army National Guard Professional and Administrative Support Services (PASS), Brooke Army Medical Center Professional and Administrative Support, Center for Disease Control Administrative Support, National Institutes of Health Long Term Administrative Support II, and the GBS contract.
Team CMS has a diverse range of innovative recruiting, training, and management techniques that promotes the delivery of required services and retains highly valued employees. We have a nationwide recruitment infrastructure, which allows us to find and hire the most qualified people for available positions.
Team CMS represent a diverse set of commands and demonstrates our strength and capability to meet and support customer schedules. Our ability to analyze PWS requirements and propose a credible staffing plan has played a significant factor
- Our managers focus not only on current operations but future operations as well. Programs will not improve without long range plans.
- Our management goals are yours. We believe in continually analyzing our performance in order to increase our effectiveness and quality of delivery.
- Creativity and innovation. Our success on contracts is attributable to the creativity of the management team in incorporating multiple elements of new technologies into a Team CMS’s developed strategic communication and outreach plan. Effective communication is paramount for providing excellent services.
- Synergistic effect of program linkage. Team CMS management links programs together in a mutually supportive effort that provides for not only information sharing, but opportunities to achieve similar/overlapping goals or expand avenues for success. Our programs operate self-sufficiently in resources and operations, but function in a cooperative and supportive approach. This synergy is a force multiplier that only Team CMS can bring due to our experience in serving the needs of the GBS community as well as other Navy/Marine Corps contracts.
- Process development and continuous improvement. Addressing the needs of our customers and assisting them in developing detailed processes and procedures based not only on requirements but on efficiency and ease of execution are critical elements of our management philosophy.
- Performing well and sustaining that performance means quality assurance and quality control. CMS brings our own quality control organization that we use in the all of our contract engagements. Our organization has led to improved quality, improved training, improved procedures, and assisted management with future planning.
Coastal Management Solutions, Inc. is very active in local charities. We currently serve on 3 boards and contribute to numerous foundations.
The Boards we serve:
– CHKD Future Generations Board
– Toby’s Dream
– Project Search
Charities we support:
– JT Walk
– Toby’s Dream
– CHKD Oceanfront Circle
– CHKD Mermaid Circle
– CHKD Futures Generation Board
– Adopt Families in Need for Christmas and Thanksgiving
– F.A.C.T. (Families of Autistic Children in Tidewater)
Seaport-NxG Contract #N00178-19-D-7361
Expires January 2029